Novice Family Regatta Survival Guide

Mercy Crew – Regatta Survival Information

Welcome all Novice Families! As a result of some constructive recommendations, we are assembling this Regatta Survival Guide!  The Mercy Crew family welcomes you!

  • How long is a Regatta?– A regatta typically lasts ALL DAY! Our coach will advise the team of the time of arrival. This time could be 2 hours or more before your daughter races.  The reason for this is the team needs to assemble the boats.  When trailered, the boats are disassembled for travel.  Being a Team Sport, it is important for Team Unity that ALL members participate in this process.
  • My daughter is a Coxswain, why does she need to get there earlier?– ALL regattas have a COXSWAIN and Coaches meeting. This meeting is typically first thing in the morning and very often when it is still DARK!  This is a critical meeting as COURSE RULES AND MARKINGS are discussed.
  • What should we bring to a Regatta?– Unlike other sports where there are bleachers and stands to sit on, those do not exist at most Regattas! Given the time of year, weather often is a variable to the comfort of spectators and rowers alike.  Here are some suggested Regatta items to have:
    • Chairs
    • Rain Gear
    • Umbrella
    • Blankets
    • Magazines, Books (anything to keep occupied)
    • Comfortable shoes that hold up in wet.
  • Should we bring snacks and refreshments? – Mercy Crew has a hospitality tent at every Regatta. Given that Regatta’s are ALL DAY, it is important to have food and drinks available for the team as well as our Mercy Families.  At the beginning of each season ALL families are asked to sign up to bring a food or drink item to each Regatta.  The food and refreshments are there for ALL to enjoy!  We also have Breakfast and Lunch that requires sign up for each Regatta. Typically we ask 2 Varsity and 2 Novice families to volunteer to make breakfast and lunch.
  • Big Sister/Big Family Assignment –Recently, all Novice team members began to be assigned to a Varsity Rower as their BIG SISTER. Since Crew is a sport that most parents have NEVER participated in, parents of Novice Rowers need assistance as well.  Each Novice Rower’s family will be assigned to the parents of the Varsity rower to provide guidance and help navigate the Crew Season!  If you are unsure of your BIG FAMILY, please let someone from the board or a committee know.
  • Why do you need volunteers?– Mercy Crew is a club sport that has very little financial support from the school. The Board of Mercy Crew directs the finances of the club along with the hiring of coaches.  In order for Mercy Crew to be successful, we need the help of all participating families. From actively participating on the board to being a member or head of a committee.  A list of committees is provided on a separate sheet.
  • When are Board Meetings and who is allowed to attend?– Board meetings are scheduled for the FIRST MONDAY each Month. The board has an open public session and finishes with a private Board Only session.  ALL ARE WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND!
  • How do I find out weekly information about Mercy Crew?– It is important that ALL visit regularly! All communication is posted on our website.  We will also send out information on Sign Up Genius for families to sign up for Regatta food items to bring along with the number of family members that will be attending the Regatta.
  • What happens if my daughter needs to miss a practice?– While attendance at practice is vital, we do understand that situations arise where a rower will miss practice. On the Mercy Crew website there is a NO PRACTICE LINK.  This link goes directly to the coaches and advises them that your daughter will be missing practice.  Given that the lineup of boats is dependent on ALL Rowers of that boat, the sooner coaches can be made aware of an issue, the easier it is for them to plan for that practice